Dealing with pests like insects and rodents is something a responsible homeowner should be familiar with. Their presence can lead to health issues like severe asthma and allergic reactions, leptospirosis, and other adverse diseases. There is also the fact that they’re unsightly and makes a house look uninhabitable. That’s why it’s crucial to know what to do when you encounter a pest inside your house.
Doing DIY pest prevention techniques can only do so much. Sometimes, these critters are already hiding and nesting inside your home before you notice them. And once you’ve found them, you already have a full infestation. That’s where a professional exterminator comes in to help you deal with the problem.
If this is your first time taking advantage of a premium pest control, you might not be aware of the things that can happen. This article will provide valuable information so that you are prepared for the service. Being informed about the process will help you understand the possible outcomes of the extermination.
Preparation Before the Exterminators Arrive
It’s best to clean around the house before the experts arrive on the scheduled date. Sweeping and mopping can increase the effectiveness of the treatment method they are going to use, leading to better long-term results. The pest control company might also ask you to move some furniture and household items around to make the job easier.
If you live in an area with close neighbors, it’s best to notify them before the service. Exterminators may use various chemicals depending on the pest you’re having problems with and the fumes might reach your neighbors and bother them. They might also be cohabitating with someone more prone to pesticide poisoning, such as children or the elderly. Letting them know gives them enough time to protect themselves, just in case.
The safety of your beloved pets should also be considered. If you own a pet, try to have them relocated for the day. A curious pet might accidentally come into contact with wet pesticides, and that can be harmful to their well-being. Have close friends or family members look after them until the treatment is over.
During Pest Extermination
Pest control is more than just keeping the pests out of your home or blasting them with chemicals. Professional exterminators are well-equipped to perform what is known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM), an extermination method used to deal with rodents and insects inside your home. IPM relies on a combination of common-sense practices that are safe for you and the environment.
On the scheduled date, the exterminators will arrive already in uniform and ready to set up. But, before they do their work, they will have to do an initial on-site walkthrough. This part is necessary to ensure no new problems have popped up since you contacted them. This inspection can also help them locate where the pests are and their common entry points.
The exterminators might also double-check your front and back yards. This can help them identify if there are other areas around your house where pests might hide. Once everything is thoroughly inspected and everything is in order, they will begin the service.
What happens next will depend on the pest you’re facing. Dealing with small insects like ants and termites will involve laying tents over your house before fumigating. The experts will also have to seal all known cracks and holes that pests have used as entry points to prevent them from coming back.
For a few mice and rodents, an exterminator may place a few traps in specific locations after blocking any pathway for them to escape. They may put them in your attic, crawlspaces, and a few corners in the basement. And since these traps have baits laced with very potent rodent poison, exterminators will never place them in areas where you frequent or prepare your food.
Post-Extermination Steps
After the service, they will give you a breakdown of what happened and if they were successful getting rid of the pests. And since pest management doesn’t stop at extermination, they will give you tips on monitoring your home for any new pest activity. They may also advice you on what you can do to counter it. The exterminator will also inform you when it’s safe for you and your loved ones to return.
Keep in mind that the results of the extermination aren’t always immediate, especially if the pest control company used methods besides fumigation. Sometimes, it might take weeks and a few more visits before all of the pests are killed. But, once the problem has been completely dealt with, you’ll be glad you contacted the experts.