It is essential to carry out waste management in companies such as bracken box for example precisely because it aims to reduce the amount of waste produced and encourage its reuse. In addition, the company’s image becomes qualified in the classification aspect. Therefore, waste management improves your image among customers, shareholders, government, and the population.
Another point that can be highlighted is environmental accidents. By correctly managing waste, it is possible to minimize environmental accidents, contamination risks, and the proliferation of diseases. Most importantly, management increases economic gains, as raw material costs are reduced when reusing waste and the cost of final disposal.
In this sense, maintaining environmental compliance is one of the main points in companies, as it demonstrates social and environmental commitment is more sustainable and has greater competitive potential.
What Are The Main Impacts Of Poor Waste Management On The Environment?
Aerial View Landfill
The impacts of poor solid waste management and residential waste management hazel crest il cause air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and visual pollution, and, depending on the type of waste, they can cause illnesses for the population, causing damage to people’s health. Another significant impact is the risk of suffering penalties for inadequate management.
5,500 municipalities still do not have the technical and financial resources to resolve issues related to poor solid waste management. As a result, society and the economy suffer, and environmental impacts are a worrying side effect of this negligence.
In its most basic form, the concept of pollution refers to the degradation of the environment by one or more harmful factors. So-called pollutants can be caused by releasing matter and energy (light, heat, and sound, for example). The problem is very old, but it became more evident after the Second Industrial Revolution, which brought urbanization and a series of developments within the chemical, electrical, oil, and steel industries.
Let’s Get To Know The Types Of Pollution:
Atmospheric pollution: atmospheric pollution is related to contamination by gases, solid particles, suspended liquids, biological material or energy, or “ingredients” that cause direct damage to the ecosystem of a region. Air pollution is still one of the biggest causes of global warming, one of the biggest environmental problems currently being tackled.
Water pollution: water pollution, in turn, is characterized by introducing any waste or energy that alters the physical and chemical properties of a given body of water.
The main causes of this type of pollution are industrial effluents (chemicals, heavy metals), agricultural effluents (fertilizers and other types of pesticides), domestic sewage, and leachate resulting from the decomposition of waste.
Contact with or ingesting contaminated water can cause serious damage to human health and the fauna close to these bodies of water. Not to mention that the odor makes the environment unpleasant, and the proliferation of microorganisms in the water reduces or even prevents any being from surviving.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least two million people – mainly children under five- die annually from drinking contaminated water.
Soil pollution: soil pollution consists of any change in the nature or composition of the land resulting from its contact with chemicals and solid or liquid waste. This type of pollution is dangerous because it can make the soil useless and infertile, in addition to creating risks to the health of humans, animals, and plants.
In cities, contamination occurs mainly through the accumulation of garbage called urban solid waste in irregular disposal areas. In rural areas, the improper and inadvertent use of fertilizers and other chemicals is the main cause of soil pollution.
Visual pollution: the most noticeable environmental damage caused by poor waste management is visual pollution. Many people tend to relate this impact to the excess of elements linked to visual communication in urban environments, such as posters, advertisements, and street signs.
The abandonment of solid waste organic or not exposed in inappropriate locations is also considered visual pollution and is responsible for the degradation of cities.
Flooding and flooding during rainy periods:
Poor waste management and flooding
Companies that do not properly manage waste can dispose of it incorrectly, causing the clogging of rainwater galleries, which are used to drain rainwater into streams and creeks. Once obstructed by the accumulation of waste discarded in the streets, they prevent the passage of returning water and cause flooding and flooding.
The proliferation of endemic diseases: the accumulation of irregularly discarded waste can generate the proliferation of pests and vectors of endemic diseases and put public health at risk. Reduction in the useful life of the landfill: when waste that could be recycled or reused in other processes is sent to landfills, this shortens its useful life, as a lot of waste is sent there.